Money — How Do They Have So Much?
I want to tell you something about money. But I don’t have any money. So, what can I tell you?
I can tell you what I observe from people.
1. Money lovers
Their priority is money. Everything and everyone else comes second. They love objects, property, jewelry, and a bigger sum in the bank.
2. Workaholics
These people keep working all the time. And they make sure they get paid for every job. So, they earn lots of money.
3. Dominant in the market
These people are talented workers. Everyone prefers these people. So it's like this particular person is overloaded with work. Whereas others are jobless. Obviously, these people do earn lots of money.
4. Really talented people
These people are talented and intelligent. And they get the best jobs with high salaries.
5. Smart people
These people do the usual. They are like most workers. But they do something smart to yield the most profits.
Being smart is using your intelligence in a profitable way.
Which one are you?