Rules Are Rules
What's the rule?
Hello everyone, in my previous posts I was telling you about the necessity of being correct.
Whether it is about your studies, profession, or your hobbies, there are certain rules in it, which are said as correct, and few other rules are said to be incorrect. If you look for such rules, you will find them interesting.
Say, for example, if you are a movie maker, there are certain rules about how you make videos. When you follow the correct rules, you will be surprised by the results. To know which are correct rules is a necessity. In practice, there are many flaws in any profession. So people do certain things correctly and also incorrectly. It might not be easy to know where we can find the correct rules from. If you get in touch with an expert, I’m sure some of them have the correct rules.
As per my learnings, these rules are simple. You will be surprised by how simple it is. But to earn the knowledge, might be difficult. It depends upon your principle.
If you are someone who loves learning and who looks into the science of something, then look for the correct rules and learn them. Try them.
I will give you another example. If you are going to write a post on a topic. There are some rules. I will give you one kind of rule. Follow the timeline. So you should write about what happened in 2010, then 2012, and then 2014. It is like that.
What happens when you follow the rules is that you succeed. When you follow such rules, it becomes different. But to be successful, you need to be different. Thank you for reading.