Photo by Denitsa Kireva
Photo by Pixabay

Slow Or Fast?

S T Sathish
2 min readNov 2, 2023


Do you prefer being slow or fast? Ever thought which one is better?

Why fast? Because it could save time.

It’s nice to get what we want quicker and faster. Even when we are assigned some tasks we mostly do it quicker and faster. Even old people are quicker in doing activities. People are mostly in hurry to get tasks done. And everyone of us have the same reason that it could save time.

Maybe the reason is correct.

Why not fast? Because it’s the trouble maker.

Fast is often associated with plenty of troubles. When you do something fast, it might be not safe for yourself and others too. When you do something in an hurry and if someone interrupts you, then you might yell at them speaking unwanted harsh words. Fast can give the pressure to everyone involved. Fast can make things incomplete. When you are in hurry you might also miss doing something, resulting in incompleteness.

Slow — the true speed.

So, slow is good for most of the people and for most of the tasks. If you practice doing tasks or activities slowly, you will realise that you could do the same task in much lesser time. Slow - if practiced well could become the true speed. Slow - also makes sure you get everything completed. It gives you calmness and relaxation.

It’s like the classic tortoise and rabbit story. Slow and steady wins the race.

So please give it a try and it will be worth the try.

Thank you.

I tried doing tasks slowly and it is useful. I hope it will also be useful to you. Thank you for reading. Have a great day. 😀😀

