An illustration showing two cars driving towards the left. And there is some text stating “Please. No parking here.”

🚙🏍️🚴‍♂️Let’s Make Vehicle Parking Much Better

Some ideas about how to make the parking facilities much better for everyone

S T Sathish
2 min readNov 3, 2022


Wherever you are, I’m pretty sure parking space is a concern. Vehicles are mostly parked along the street side. It causes enormous trouble. It causes trouble with the traffic. And you don’t have space to take a walk along the road. So, how can we solve this?

Construct your home with enough space

When you construct a home, you usually consider constructing the home with your vehicles in the plan. You might construct a home where there is a space for one car or a few bikes. What we need to do is that we need to construct a home with more space for the vehicles. It means if someone comes to visit you, they can have some space at your house for their vehicles too. So vehicles won’t be parked outside of your home, rather it will be inside. If more vehicles has to be at hour home, then you need to construct it such a way the ground or underground floor is occupied for the car parks.

Shopping malls and plazas SHOULD be built with parking space

Any shopping mall or plaza or even a small shop must have a vehicle park with it. When you are visiting a shop, the shop will be having a dedicated vehicle park for it. It is certainly the shop owner's responsibility to do the vehicle accommodation.

Buildings exclusively for vehicle parks

In situations, where such a parking space couldn’t be afforded, or where more vehicles might come, we could have a dedicated vehicle park like in the video below.

The above video actually shows a car park underground. But my idea is to have it above the ground.

There are some building which has both shops and residence. Likewise, the building will have a car park for a few floors, and the remaining will be for home or office. The public could make use of the car park. But you will have to pay for the parking. The parking price for the vehicle park will be utilized and it would be much like a business earning profit out of it. Of course, the parking price might cost much. That's why the better option is that the shop/home owners need to accommodate the vehicle parking.

What are the benefits of getting a good parking place?
1. Less traffic
2. We can have space for comfortable walking
3. Vehicles would be much safe

I hope it was useful for you and you enjoyed the read. Thank you for reading, clapping, and commenting.

